Judicial thriller where Fernando Sabogal, lawyer and human rights defender investigates several crimes. With the country in crisis, Sabogal fights tirelessly, almost obsessively, to discover the truth and find justice, even at the cost of his own life and against his family stability.
We are the first digital animation studio in Latin America to produce a film based on a television series, and to perform simultaneous capture of movement, facial expression and voice. We are pioneers in creating a narrative format that combines different animation techniques such as 3D, Motion Comic, Motion Graphics and real archival images of newscasts.
SABOGAL began as a television series and morphed into a feature film. It is the first Colombian film nominated for best film at the ANNECY International Animation Film Festival, in France (the CANNES of animation) SABOGAL competed for best film in the 10 most prestigious animation festivals in the world, and is an official selection in more than 30 international festivals. In its premiere in cinemas in Bogotá we included two virtual reality stations so that attendees could interact with the universe of the characters of the film.